While casinos are a lucrative business, they also cause a great deal of social damage. Casinos disproportionately benefit from those addicted to gambling. In fact, five percent of casino patrons are addicted, generating 25 percent of their profits. Additionally, economic studies show that casinos have a negative impact on communities. They generally draw local players who shift spending away from other forms of entertainment. Although casinos contribute a lot to the economy, they also cost local businesses a great deal of money through the treatment of problem gamblers and lost productivity.
To protect the casino from crimes, casino security starts on the floor of the casino, where employees watch games and patrons. Dealers concentrate on their own games, so they are likely to notice if anyone tries to cheat. Other casino employees, known as pit bosses, are also responsible for monitoring the games. These individuals are responsible for observing betting patterns and other suspicious behavior. Each employee has someone higher up monitoring their activities and ensuring that they adhere to all casino rules.
To encourage gambling, casinos use various tricks to entice people. Casinos arrange their gaming tables and slot machines in a maze-like configuration. They use colors that appeal to the eyes and the touch, including loud lights and constant noises. However, it is important to note that casinos rarely have clocks in their casino – they would be a safety hazard! Fortunately, they have other ways to keep the casino running smoothly.