
How to Read Poker Hands

In poker, players put chips into a pot before seeing their own cards, then aim to make the best five-card hand. They can also bluff to win the pot without showing their cards, so it’s important to learn how to read other players. The game has a lot of variants, but all share some core concepts.

It’s important to know what beats what, so look up the rules for your favourite game and study the charts. This way, you’ll know how much of a risk it is to call or raise in a specific situation. It’s also good to have a plan for each move you make. For example, if you’re raising in a particular situation, you should know whether you’re doing it for value or as a bluff.

When you don’t have a hand, it’s okay to sit out a few hands. This allows you to take a more detached approach and notice small details about other players. For example, you’ll be able to see whether they’re fiddling with their chip or wearing a ring. It’s also a good time to study their body language for signs they’re holding a strong hand.

If you’re new to poker, it’s likely that you’ll lose a few hands early on. But don’t let that discourage you! There are a huge number of resources available online and in person that can help you improve. This includes a wide range of poker forums, Discord channels and FB groups. There’s also a seemingly endless supply of poker books, so it’s never been easier to learn the game.