When it comes to playing casino games, slots are among the most popular and easiest to understand. It’s not just their ease of play that makes them so appealing, though; it’s the chance for a jackpot that keeps people coming back.

But, what exactly are slots? Unlike table games, which have set rules that must be followed to make money, slots are completely random. Each spin of the reels or each press of a button generates a number, and the machine selects the symbols that stop on the payline(s).

Each slot machine has its own payout amounts, which are listed in the game’s paytable. These tables show the prize value of each symbol, winning combinations and which bet sizes correspond to each prize level. The paytable is a great place to start if you’re new to slots.

The odds of hitting a specific symbol are determined by how many paylines you’re betting on, which are grouped into rows and columns of varying numbers of symbols. Modern video slots can feature up to 50 or more paylines, accepting one to five credits per spin. Paylines can run horizontally, vertically, diagonally or even zigzag patterns, depending on the machine.

In general, you’ll lose about $50 an hour on average, if you’re betting $1 per spin. That’s why players need to be smart about their bankroll, and choose machines that they like for the visuals and vibes as well as the potential to win a big jackpot.