
Casino Interior Design and Casino Security


Technology has also been a major influence on casino gaming. Video cameras and computers are routinely used to monitor casino games. Casinos also regularly monitor “chip tracking,” which involves betting chips with microcircuitry that can track wagers minute-by-minute. Roulette wheels are also regularly monitored for statistical deviations. There are even enclosed versions of many casino games, where players place bets by pushing buttons. These systems allow casinos to keep a closer eye on the games’ fairness.

The main goal of casino interior design is to keep patrons happy and minimize the passing time. Casinos vary wildly in style, but they try to present a feeling of rich taste. Often, the rooms are adorned with lush carpets that complement the carefully planned lighting. Incentives are also common, such as free drinks or cigarettes for big bettors. The legendary Vegas strip casinos take this gambit to new heights. However, these facilities do come with some risks.

Casino security begins on the casino floor. Employees keep an eye on the tables and patrons. Dealers concentrate on their own game, so they can spot cheating easily. Pit bosses and table managers also watch the game floor, where they can monitor for irregular behavior or even suspicious activity. Every employee at a casino is tracked by someone higher up. Security cameras are one of the most basic forms of casino security. Security cameras, tasers, and armed guards are just a few of the measures taken by casinos.